Evan Craft - Confiaré En Tus Promesas Praying For The Same Things

Evan Craft – Confiaré En Tus Promesas / Praying For The Same Things 2021


Evan Craft – Confiaré En Tus Promesas / Praying For The Same Things

Videoclip Oficial de Evan Craft interpretando “Confiaré en tus promesas / Praying for the same things” (Bilingüe). Canción disponible en todas las plataformas: https://evancraft.lnk.to/prayingforth… Comparte este video con un amigo, dale a “Like” y déjame un comentario, para saber que fue de bendición para tu vida.

LETRA (Bilingüe) de “Confiaré en tus promesas / Praying for the same things”. Escrita por: Calah Caballero, Andrew Bergthold, Evan CraftEvan Craft - Confiaré En Tus Promesas Praying For The Same Things






God it’s me again
In the exact same spot
I’m back here on my knees again
I feel it moving in
The paralyzing fear
That all my prayers fall on deaf ears

I know, I know you don’t need reminding
You know every word before it’s said
I’ll put my trust in your perfect timing
Cause this is not, this is not the end

So I’ll keep praying, for the same things
Even after all these years
Still you care enough to hear me out
You’re faithful in the waiting
Till my heart becomes your heart
Till my ways become your ways
That’s why I pray
For the same things

Let your kingdom come
Heal my family and give me the faith to start my own

Let your will be done
When my future’s in the grave
Let Heaven have the final say

I know, I know you don’t need reminding
Y esto no, no es mi final (esto no, define mi final)

Confiaré en tus promesas
Escuchas cada oración
Cada duda, y temor
Y eres fiel en la espera
Moldéame a tu corazón
Hasta ser como Tú, mi Dios
Yo confiaré en tus promesas

Hope deferred makes us weary
But I know, God, you hear me
Fear is just a matter of perspective
Cuz You’re not done yet, You’re not done yet
You’re not done yet, You’re not done yet
No has terminado, no has terminado

#EvanCraft​ #ConfiareEnTusPromesas​ #MusicaCristiana​ #ChristianMusic​ #musicacristianalatina​


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